Our Homemade Artwork

This is a small collection of some of our home-made crafts that decorate our casa!
Please enjoy!!!

There ya go folks! A few works of our collections!

Piece #1: Dead Bonsai in Killer Pot + Willow Tree Boy
Piece #2: "Floating Hat Rack" - Found A Sweet Vine - Attached Knobs
Piece #3: Golden Frames - Our Family
Piece #4: "Change Mantle" - Nick-Nacks & Dried WHOLE Fruits
Piece #5: Skateboard Coat Rack
Piece #6: Snowboard Shoe Rack
Piece #7: The Goal Vase - "Wire Limbs" & Custom Word Wrapping
Piece #8: Dominican Painting - Hand-Saw-Hand-Cut Oak Frame
Piece #9: "Makeup-Hair Chair"- Pine Stump W/Custom Arms

Hope you had a fun ride!

Homemade Sushi

Homemade Sushi
Ever wonder why sushi costs so gosh darn much? Yea, we do...

Enough was enough, harr harr harr. We went to this awesome Korean
Place and chuffed it up with a beast of nature. No hesistation in his step.
This dudeha flung down a bag of sticky rice, a bamboo roller, & some
seaweed junk. And then tried to tell us how to cook the rice. He also
mentioned vinegar & sugar after the rice was finished cooking...

Man sushi-mon! Yea - we couldn't find any vinegar
around the house, so we avoided the last step. Those
pictures are actually the rolls 3 days late. Mind you
the rice got hard as a brick by that point in time!

Ahhhh! ! ! Anyway, it was super easy and fun eatins'!
I'm really excited about makin homemade sushi
and look forward to the next dazzlin recipe!

Melllons! Bacawww!

Ohhhh melllons!!!!! Man after the sushi - we attacked
some delicious mellon for dessert! What up!!!


What's up guys, it has been a while. And the last post was extremely sad. Nevertheless, we have been chillin - a ton of snow - literally it snows once a week now. And when it snows its like 6 inches or more...so it has been accumulating in our backyard/sidewalks...

Updates: As you can see from the picture, Jess just got a new haircut! Yay! She is stylin, ready to graduate from her school in April and show some peeps whats up?! Last weekend Chelsea and Cole, our friends from Tally, visited the city for pleasure/business and we gots ta see em - that was super gnarly - we went and saw the broadway - Mary Poppins - a ton of fun - we also ate some dessert on a rooftop overlooking the city! so cool - and it had been way too long since we've seen them last, seriously! - And we got two more visitors this weekend - shout out to Erin and Kim (& Kim's boyfriend)! We love visitors - come on up folks! What else, what else...my office is combining with one of our other offices and movin to the city at the end of February, which is exciting yet daunting - exciting because it will be a new atmosphere and well, its the city! But daunting because I will have to wake up so much earlier for all the insane transportation! And Jess will have to fling home for lunch for Quigglet! Ahhh!

Hmm, welp peoples of the world - leave some comments - comments get us excited and help the world go round - and also get us to post more posts! Hahaha, seriously!

Patrick Carpenter

Today, we sincerely remember Patrick Carpenter and his life long journey.

Over the past couple of weeks, Patrick has been in a coma. He was found on the streets of St. Louis unconscious. His brain was depleted of oxygen. Patrick suffered massive brain damage, which resulted in going into comatose and frequent siezsures.

Patrick survived a life full of heart ache and tough times. We remember Patrick for his strength and his fearless attitude. We remember Patrick for sitting on the back patio listening to his radio, hanging out with the dogs. We remember Patrick for his epic watchings of the full series of Lord of the Rings, nonstop. We remember Patrick for his sugar intake - pouring gallons of sugar into unknown gatorade jugs for his "fruit punch." We remember Patrick for sleeping inside a tent inside of our abandoned shed. We remember Patrick for his random times of split personality featuring "Patty" with a black hair wig. For the short time we spent with Patrick, we have great memories & we remember him. He did not die alone: we are his family.

Patrick Carpenter
Unknown-October 13, 2010

Beam Me Up Scotty


Mount Fuji Serissa Bonsai

Finally took grasp of a sick little sucker: "Mr. Toodles." Yes, that is correct, Mr. Toodles is a Mount Fuji Serissa Bonsai Tree that will very soon sprout some super nasty gnarlsbarkley white smitten feathered flowers. They are extremely tiny and dainty. We are very excited. I will post pictures of the mammoth once it displays its dusty wings.

This will be the beast's future home. We must first learn the art of re-potting a bonsai from Master Yoshi. There is no need to be timid, yet aggressively combat this task with genuine care & knowledge.

Now, below are pictures of a completely different Mount Fuji that shows the sick flowers it will produce. These things bring so much joy and life - literally - oxygen.

We need to learn how to keep the leaves smaller. If anyone is a Master Yogi or Yoshi at bonsais then please leave some major feedback - we definitely need the comments of wisdom - the nuggets of growth. I can't wait to learn how to re-pot, styling, air-layering, etc. There are definitely some good youtube videos floaitng around...