Truth Unfolds Its Crusty Wings

The dust it collects on my nightstand,
My skin dying, flaking off without me noticing.
Life moving so fast and killing me quickly.

Some days I find myself paralyzed in thought,
caught up in my emotions, my hopeful past,
my stand-still present. Cold as a dead body.

I shake, I quiver, even occasionally weep.
My life outside of this - hope in materials, time,
thought, even people - it's better than this.
I know first hand.

When I fall asleep to my pride, my fears, my hope in this world,
Well, my gaze it shifts - my heart flutters,
my lips tingle, I can feel real hope, real life.
No more being blind or deaf, mute or hardened,
No more worries.

And then - life becomes what it should -
Truth unfolds its crusty wings.
People, the world, experiences -
They shimmer, but not in a way of idolatry,
No, in a way of love.
Hidden in the spectacles of grace.



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