

Yea so last night, Jess and I finally went on a much needed date to Copacabanas in Port Chester, NY - about 20 minutes away...

We were caught off guard - first of all I was wearing my dad jeans along with a gray sweatshirt and well, Jess looked great - like usual. But nevertheless, it was a fancier place and I was way under-dressed with many looks of disgust.

Furthermore, we it was a Brazilian restaurant with this unique set-up. Basically there is a lot of history behind it - from when Brazilians came over the U.S. - it was like their Thanksgiving meal -

But umm, you eat at a salad bar - which we had two plates! And Jess was stuffed but no joke it continued - they brought out rice, fried bananas, black beans and more stuff - that you could keep asking for more. Plus, every 3 minutes some chef would roll around the corner with some dank meat on a metal rod and fling off some to you - and well, you had 10 ROUNDS of 10 Different meats and they were not small portions whatsoever - it was a fat chunk of meat.

It was the most food I have ever seen - we had no idea what we got ourselves into. It was absolutely ridonkulous. Those crazy Brazilians!

.Dougles & Jecca & Quiggs.


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