Patrick Carpenter

Today, we sincerely remember Patrick Carpenter and his life long journey.

Over the past couple of weeks, Patrick has been in a coma. He was found on the streets of St. Louis unconscious. His brain was depleted of oxygen. Patrick suffered massive brain damage, which resulted in going into comatose and frequent siezsures.

Patrick survived a life full of heart ache and tough times. We remember Patrick for his strength and his fearless attitude. We remember Patrick for sitting on the back patio listening to his radio, hanging out with the dogs. We remember Patrick for his epic watchings of the full series of Lord of the Rings, nonstop. We remember Patrick for his sugar intake - pouring gallons of sugar into unknown gatorade jugs for his "fruit punch." We remember Patrick for sleeping inside a tent inside of our abandoned shed. We remember Patrick for his random times of split personality featuring "Patty" with a black hair wig. For the short time we spent with Patrick, we have great memories & we remember him. He did not die alone: we are his family.

Patrick Carpenter
Unknown-October 13, 2010